Sunday, March 4, 2012

Fluency and Phonics lesson plan

Sara Wieder   2/26/2012                                                                                                                                       (I posted this mini lesson last week)

Building Meaning Lesson Plan

This student is a great reader at an accuracy rate of 94%. However, she does need a little practice with reading with meaning of the words. According to the running record assessment, she frequently read “most” instead of “must”. In context with the sentence it doesn’t really make sense.

To address this student needs I will do a reading activity that will build meaning.

·        Choose a book that’s easy and simple to comprehend, then with guided reading help the student read with the meaning of the words.

·        After each sentence I will ask questions- what did you read?

·        I will cover some words in the story and ask the student to predict what the word is based on what makes sense- what fits in the sentence according to the meaning.

·        If the student makes an error and it does not fit with the meaning of the sentence, I will ask the student to repeat- does this word make sense in this sentence.

·        Connections of the story with real life experiences. I will ask the students has this ever happened to you? What do you think it feels like to be this character?


1)    What did you learn about “reading fluency”?  

Reading fluently is the ability to read accurately and with proper speed and expression. Developing fluency is a difficult task and involves decoding words easily. Fluent readers decode words easily, so therefore they can concentrate on the meaning of the text. Therefore, fluency is essential in reading because there is a strong connection between fluency and comprehension.

2)    How can you apply “fluency assessment” in your classroom?

I will continuously assess my students on fluency by asking them to read a text or story and evaluate their WCPM (words correct per minute) score. Based on the assessment, I will use the data to plan my instruction. Students that have difficulty decoding and are not fluent readers will receive intervention.

3)    How will you plan your “fluency instruction”?

I will plan my fluency instruction in a way that will meet the needs of all students on their level and needs. On idea that I liked for the video was the word web as tool that builds multiple meaning of words. I will integrate the word web in my lessons to build fluency. In addition, I will also implement repeated reading and model fluent reading which are great tools to build fluency.  


Grade Level: Kindergarten

Standards: New York State Common Core Learning Standards – English Language Arts and Literacy:

Phonological Awareness; Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds: recognize and produce rhyming words.

Learning Objectives; students will be able to recognize and read words that rhyme. Two, forty minute lessons

·        Introduction to the lesson- video with nursery rhymes; “Humpty Dumpty” and “Ten Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed” etc.  Power Point Presentation; pictures of a cat, hat, rat and bat. Ask the students- what did you notice about the words?

·        Shared Reading: Read the poem;

 Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle                                                                 The cow jumped over the moon                                                                                 The little dog laughed to see such fun                                                                       and the dish ran away with the spoon!

Ask the students which words did you notice that sounds the same? Ask students what is another word that sounds the same as cat? The teacher will write the word cat and erase the first letter and add letter to “at” like mat, rat, hat, sat, bat etc. Ask students to come up with their own examples for dog.

·        Activity #1; students will receive a chart with pictures that are rhyming words and they will fill in the words.

·        Activity #2: Matching- students will match pictures to the word –and recognize the rhyme.

·        Activity #3; independent reading; students will choose from a variety of books (like Dr. Seuss books) and write down three sets of rhyming words from the book they read.

·        Activity #4: students will receive a sheet with sentences and they will fill in the missing rhyming words

Advanced Learners can create their own nursery rhyme and present it to the class.  


  1. Word webs are a fantastic way to teach children about words that have multiple meanings. I loved the idea as well.

  2. I like how you make connection to real life experiences. Comprehension occurs at three levels: text to text, text to self, and text to the world. Readers understand better when the text can be associated to their personal experiences or the world. The last activity needs to integrate technology. What technology or websites you think will go along with your lesson? Great job! :D
